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Créateurs de TALENTS depuis 1942
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Tuition costs and financing options


Estimating Costs

Tuition Fees

ESC Amiens’s tuition fees for 2024-2025 are € 6,700 per year for the Bachelor programme and € 7,800 per year for the Master programme.

This amount does NOT include living expenses, accommodation, additional administrative, equipment or organizational fees relating to particular programs. To help students prepare, we have provided an estimated budget based on the average experience of our international students.

As each student is different, the table below is for information purposes only and does not guarantee the real cost of living in Amiens.

Estimated Student Budget – ESC Amiens

Monthly rent : €350-500

Monthly Living Expenses
Food : €150-250
Transport : up to €25

Some expenses are to be paid once for the whole year, no matter how long the students stay : Annual One-Time Expenses
Personal liability insurance : €20
OFFI fiscal stamp for the resident permit (for non-European students) : €79
Other (visa application fees, etc…applicable in 2nd year for residence permit) : €100
Books and equipment : €180
Student Association fee : €100
Breakage security deposit (refunded upon departure) : €30

Financial Aid

Installment Payments

The ESC Amiens offers students the opportunity to pay tuition fees in monthly installments, charging a small handling fee. International students can pay an initial tuition fee downpayment of € 3,000 upon enrollment and chose to pay in 3 or 9 monthly installments at the start of their school classes. Contact us for detailed information.

International Student Scholarships

The French government offers many scholarship opportunities for international students. Check Campus Bourse for a list of grants, or contact your local Campus France office for more information. Many of these grants have early deadlines, so get informed as early as possible.

You may also check for funding opportunities with your home country’s Foreign Affairs or Education Ministry.

Academic Excellence Scholarship

Students who show outstanding academic achievement during their studies at ESC Amiens may be eligible for a scholarship. The amount and duration of these scholarships varies and is based on income. Students will be informed of these opportunities during the academic year.

Student Jobs & Paid Internships

European students and international students with a titre de séjour étudiant are permitted to work up to 20 hours per week, giving students the opportunity to earn money while studying.
In addition, all students doing an internship in France for 2 months or more must be paid a minimum of €554.40 per month, giving students the possibility to save money during their internship periods.

International Mobility Grants

ESC Amiens students who choose to study abroad or complete an internship period outside of France may be eligible for one of several international mobility grants. Contact the Office of Internationalization for more information.

Online education for International students
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