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Creators of TALENTS since 1942

Test profil / QCM / Medias     

Créateurs de TALENTS depuis 1942
Test profil / QCM / Médias     


Bachelor 2

State-recognised diploma


1 year

Start date

September 2024


Formation initiale


From January 2024


Application and further study 

The Bachelor of Management and Marketing of ESC Amiens is a diploma targeted by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) on the advice of the Commission d'Evaluation des Formations et Diplômes de Gestion (CEFDG)

This visa is based on several criteria of academic excellence such as permanent faculty and international openness. 


Logo CEFDG - ESC Amiens


The second year of Bachelor is designed to provide strategic knowledge set up to broaden the knowledge acquired in the first year and act in a transversal way. This is the year of application and synthesis, in particular thanks to the 12-week internship (minimum) to be carried out in France or abroad.

This second year of the ESC Amiens Bachelor's degree is open to all students with a bac+1 (1st year of BTS, Licence, DUT, business school or preparatory class).


On the way to your professional project

The aim of the second year of the ESC Amiens Bachelor programme is to 
consolidate the management science knowledge acquired in first year 
and to apply this knowledge through practical and professional applications.

This second year intensifies the following distinctive elements: academic depth and an introduction to research designed and supervised by the school's research professors, pedagogical engineering based on empowering and empowerment of the learner, individualisation of each student's to suit each student's career plan, application of knowledge through a 12-week work placement in France or abroad. Each student can also decide to study abroad with one of our 39 international partners for a full academic year or a semester. 

This is the beginning of the individualisation of the course, to be fully specialised in the third year.



First semester 

Languages and communication 
English language
Second language: Chinese, German, Spanish or French for foreigners
General knowledge/French language

Business environment
Company law
Banking economics 
Strategic diagnosis
Reporting tools

Management techniques
Laws and probabilities
Introduction to project management
International Business 1/2 
Cost accounting
Distribution policy

Professional behaviour
Back-to-school seminar
Sales negotiation
Business survey

Second semester

Languages and communication    
English language
Second language: Chinese, German, Spanish or French for foreigners
General knowledge/French language

Business environment
Social and labour law
Micro economy 
Circular economy

Management techniques 
Corporate finance
Staff management
Specialisation of your choice
Financial analysis
Services marketing 
Communication policy
IS Modelling
International business 2/2

Professional behaviour 
Associative project
Computer graphics - School life
Job interview training
Work placement (12 weeks)


All aspects of the student's education are assessed: 

Academic courses
Languages (TOEIC score) 
Professional experience in a company (work placement, sandwich course)
Work placement in France or abroad
Associative life

For academic courses, continuous assessment accounts for 50% and the final exam (institutional assessment) for the remaining 50%.
Assessments may take the form of simulations, group or individual work, oral presentations, reports, etc. (see the programme's teaching regulations).

Alumni portraits

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